Miami County Recycles

What to recycle, according to the experts

Here at the Miami County Transfer Station and Recycling Center, our goal is to help residents reduce waste -- by recycling through whatever system makes sense for them! Many of our municipalities and private haulers offer curbside pickup -- so what goes in the bin at home?

The following applies to residences in Piqua, Troy, Tipp City, West Milton, Covington, Bradford, Casstown, Ludlow Falls and surrounding areas:

What goes in the bin?

What does not go in the bin?

By recycling common items – like cans and cardboard – Rumpke’s facility can easily sort items into reusable materials. And, keeping non-recyclable materials out of the bin keeps the cost of transportation and sorting down. With your help, Miami County can keep recycling for years to come!

Posted on Jul 30, 2018 by Miami County Recycles