Miami County Recycles

A Recycling Filled Summer

As the summer season quickly approaches, many of us are looking forward to enjoying the great outdoors, hosting backyard barbecues, and embarking on exciting adventures. With an increased focus on sustainability and environmental consciousness, it's crucial to remember the importance of recycling. In this blog post, we'll explore what to recycle and share some valuable recycling tips to help you make a positive impact on our planet during the summer months and beyond.


Understand What to Recycle

Recycling can sometimes be confusing due to varying guidelines across different locations. However, there are some common items that can typically be recycled in most areas:


a. Plastic Bottles and Containers: Empty and rinse plastic bottles, such as water bottles, soda bottles, and shampoo bottles, before tossing them in the recycling bin. Also, check the bottom of containers for the recycling symbol to ensure they are recyclable.


b. Glass: Glass bottles and jars can be recycled. Remove any lids or caps and rinse them thoroughly.


c. Aluminum and Steel Cans: Soda cans, food cans, and aluminum foil are recyclable. Rinse them out to remove any food residue.


d. Paper and Cardboard: Newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes, and office paper are all recyclable. Ensure they are clean and dry, and remove any plastic packaging or non-recyclable materials.


e. Cartons: Milk cartons, juice boxes, and soup cartons can be recycled. Rinse them out and flatten them to save space in your recycling bin.


Proper Recycling Techniques

a. Clean and Dry: Rinse containers to remove any leftover food or liquid, as contaminated items can lead to the rejection of entire recycling loads. Dry them before recycling to prevent moisture issues.


b. Check Labels: Look for recycling symbols on packaging and follow the instructions provided. Some plastics may not be recyclable in your area, so it's crucial to know which ones are accepted.


c. Reduce and Reuse: Remember that recycling should be the last resort. Whenever possible, opt for reusable items, such as metal straws, cloth shopping bags, and rechargeable batteries. By reducing our consumption, we can minimize our impact on the environment.


d. Separate Materials: Keep recyclable materials separate from general waste. Use designated recycling bins or separate your recyclables at home for easy sorting.


Recycle Beyond the Basics

While the basics of recycling are essential, there are additional items you might not have considered recycling:


a. Electronics: Many electronic devices, such as smartphones, laptops, and batteries, can be recycled. Contact your local recycling center or electronics store to find out the proper disposal methods.


b. Textiles: Clothing, shoes, and linens can often be recycled or repurposed. Consider donating them to local charities or textile recycling programs.


c. Plastic Bags and Wrappers: Plastic bags and film packaging can be recycled at specific drop-off locations found in grocery stores. Remember to clean and dry them before recycling.


Composting is an excellent way to reduce food waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Start a compost bin in your backyard or check if your community offers composting services. By diverting organic waste from landfills, you contribute to a more sustainable environment.


As we enjoy the summer season, let's keep in mind the importance of responsible recycling. By understanding what can be recycled, following proper recycling techniques, and exploring additional recycling options, we can all contribute to a cleaner and greener planet. Remember, small actions can have a significant impact, so let's embrace eco-friendly habits and encourage others to join us on the path to sustainability.


Let's make this summer a great one!

Posted on Jun 02, 2023 by Miami County Recycles